Disengaged employees and attrition costs thousands!!!


100% Anonymous responses so everyone can speak their minds without confrontation

Automatically report weekly on the METRICS that matter to your company


Work Tools


Work Load




Direct Leader


Company Culture


Listening to and measuring key metrics regularly is critical to be able to react in time and keep the company running efficiently

How Empulsie works


Save time and money on constantly replacing staff


Avoid company objective slow downs


Maintain a strong company culture


Happy employees have a direct relation to increased sales


Every Empulsie package below includes all the base features and access to the mobile results.


$ 0.99 / user / month
  • One Empulsie Template
  • Up to 4 metrics
  • Unlimited Responses
  • Single Campaign Scheduler

ULTIMATE (Popular)

$ 1.49 / user / month
  • 10 Empulsie Templates
  • Up to 10 Metrics
  • Unlimited Responses
  • Multi-Campaign Scheduler
  • Segment Results by Teams
  • Empulsie Announcements


$ 1.99 / user / month
  • Unlimited Empulsie Templates
  • Unlimited Metrics
  • Unlimited Responses
  • Multi-Campaign Scheduler
  • Segment Results by Teams
  • Empulsie Announcements
  • Votie Polls
  • Customizable Admin Roles
  • Premium Support


Call Us custom 500+ users
  • Unlimited Empulsie Templates
  • Unlimited Metrics
  • Unlimited Responses
  • Multi-Campaign Scheduler
  • Segment Results by Teams
  • Empulsie Announcements
  • Votie Polls
  • Customizable Admin Roles
  • Customized Dashboards
  • Regional Segmentation
  • Premium Support
  • Volume Pricing Discount

Pricing is per employee based on a 12 month subscription. A one-time configuration fee to be added to the first year.

Empulsie is the simplest way to capture employee pulse opinions in 30 seconds or less.

Monitor results across teams

Filter engagement by teams so you can quickly identify issues before it's too late.

Automated scheduling

Set it and forget it! Schedule Emplusie once and let us take care of distributing to your teams.

Measure & Compare Trends

Clear visibility on how things are going. Flag negative trends in realtime before it's too late

Fully Customizable

Choose the metrics that matter most to your organization from our list of Industry proven metrics or create your own.

Push automated announcements

Program automated recurring reminders and announcements once and let us take care of the rest.

Mobile access to results

Get real-time results in seconds on your mobile phone from the Votie App.

As more and more employers are embracing remote working its more important than ever to connect with staff and have a pulse on Employee engagement.

Here's why its Awesome!

Rapid Deployment

Deploys in hours not days. Start collecting precious data within hours of activating you account.

Low cost

We believe it shouldn't cost a fortune to engage your employees and get their opinions. Our solutions costs less than a single one-on-one meeting and thats for the entire year.

Live alerts

Designed to deliver instant alerts. Capture opinions when they matter most and take action on the spot.

Visualize results on the go

Admin app allows leaders to monitor results at anytime and it's so simple you can do it during your morning coffee.

Two way communication

You'll not only receives opinions, but also gives you the opportunity to respond or reward people for their input giving you a two way communication channel.

Real Data

One click solution to give you live data. Since employees can stay anonymous the traditional data roadblocks are removed and you get a real pulse of what people's opinions are.


Empulsie supports multiple languages so you can use our solution world wide across all regions.


Leverage the latest IoT technologies to capture and deliver instant honest opinions.

Yearly Evaluations & Surveys don't work!

A lot can happen in a year and companies are constantly evolving. New tools, new staff, new processes, do you really know how they are affecting the company resources and culture quick enough to react? Don't wait till it's too late to realize something needs to be adjusted.

Meetings are a HUGE cost in resources!

Do you know how much meetings are costing you? Are the meetings effective? Did the right people attend? How much did meetings cost this month? Who are the people consuming all these resources? Leaders need the right dashboards to provide visibility and better manage their precious resources.


Accessible to everyone via Email or SMS!

Empulsie automatically reaches employees so there is no effort required from leadership and delivers a constant flow of data to track the metrics that are important to the company. Set goals, measure progress, and compare results.

Additional Empulsie add-ons

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Harassment Alerts

Do your employees feel safe at work?

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For a long time work place harassment was a taboo topic that people didn't dare bring up until something major happened. It takes a lot of courage to approach a leader or HR professional about sensitive situations and many times they go undetected, rumours start, staff leaves, and the company culture is irreparably damaged.


Empulsie's harassment alerts solution has been designed in conjunction with several HR experts to empower employees of all levels to privately identify any concerns. Alerts are sent to the designated HR teams without the need to go through long processes and forms, or have to confront someone face to face. Every employee has access to the platform discreetly and just having the platform in place has acted as a deterrent to potential offenders.

Meeting Evaluations

Meetings are the single most 'hidden' resource consumer for a company.

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We all know that person that calls meetings that just lead to another meeting. So many meetings lack a clear agenda, include way to many people, and very often people that don't have anything to contribute.


Our meeting evaluation solution automatically asks attendees to rate the meetings they just attended so that there is a clear visibility on the value of the meeting. Giving the organizer a view on what people thought about various aspects of the meeting will provide guidance on what aspects they need to improve and how effective their meetings are. This will translate to a culture where people are better prepared and conscious of the cost of the meeting they are about to book.


Our Meeting evaluation solution is also available as a standalone solution for anyone interested to monitor feedback about their meetings. Stand out from the crowd by continuously improving your meeting skill with real feedback.



Email Evaluations

Are e-mails being used efficiently?

We are bombarded with non-stop emails and studies show only 25% of those are actually useful. Do you know who on your team is spending precious resources with useless emails?


Our email evaluation solutions empowers employees to anonymously rate emails in seconds notifying the sender that of CC spam or emails that are simply a waste of time. Over time with the realtime alerts employees are able to better gauge what people think of their emails and make more efficient use of emails saving the company thousands of dollars.


Our Email evaluation solution is also available as a standalone solution for anyone interested to see what people really think of their emails.

Gauge how things are going, take action, and maintain company culture when there isn't time to connect one on one.


There's so much more to show you.

Let's create your First Empulsie!

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  • Give employees an anonymous voice
  • Strengthen company culture 
  • Promote continuous improvement
  • Track metrics over time
  • Identify issues before it's too late
  • Keep staff engaged
  • Improve customer experience
  • Save thousands in HR


  • Low cost
  • Rapid setup
  • Automated delivery
  • Responses in 30 seconds or less
  • Manage responses & comments from your smartphone
  • Real-Time Results 
  • Real-Time Alerts
  • Exportable Data